A DUI conviction in New York state may come with harsh penalties. Someone facing a near-certain conviction might consider a plea deal. Every driver’s case has unique aspects, and defendants will discuss the particulars of their situation with an attorney. For some, the positives associated with a plea deal may outweigh the negatives of taking chances in court.

Issues of concern when considering plea deals

Likely, the main issue concerning someone accused of a DWI/DUI in New York would be the penalties. License revocations, massive fines, and jail time reflect possible outcomes.

A plea bargain could reduce the maximum sentence for incarceration. If the maximum is four years, a plea deal may result in far less time. Repeat offenders with multiple convictions may find a sentence appears unavoidable, so taking a plea deal could be the preferable option. Again, a defendant would discuss the upsides and downsides of the deal with counsel, and it is ultimately the defendant’s decision.

A plea bargain might also address maximum fines and the revocation duration. Perhaps someone relies on a driver’s license for essential family or work-related transportation. While a revocation might be mandatory, plea bargaining for a shorter duration could be an option.

Other points about DUI plea bargains

Plea bargaining may bring with it greater expediency. That is, a case could end up resolved much faster when accepting a plea deal. Reaching a conclusion without delays might prove less stressful and help someone move on with life. Ending proceedings faster might bring down the overall costs associated with the defense. Costs could weigh heavily on a nervous defendant’s mind. After careful consideration, a defendant might come to realize that entering into a DWI/DUI plea bargain agreement with the prosecution is the appropriate decision.



James Auricchio was admitted to the practice of Law in 2001. He entered private practice in 2010 after earning distinction as a State and Federal Prosecutor.

Named to the list of Superlawyers, in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, a distinction awarded to less than 5 percent of all attorneys in New York State