How to defend against a drunk driving charge
In the state of New York, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you are charged with DWI, an attorney may utilize a number of strategies to dispute the charge and help you obtain a favorable outcome in your case. Let’s take a look at…
The causes of inaccurate Breathalyzer results
If you are suspected of driving while under the influence of alcohol, you may be asked to submit to a Breathalyzer test. While the results of the test may be given considerable weight in a DUI case, there is no guarantee that they are accurate. Take a look at some of the factors that might…
Breathalyzer test: Should you take one?
Imagine the New York police have just stopped you, and now they are asking you to take a breathalyzer test. What should you do? A breathalyzer test can show a person’s blood alcohol content. It is used by police officers to determine if a person is driving under the influence and should be arrested for…
What are the penalties of a first-time DWI in New York?
You decided to go out for happy hour with your friends or co-workers after a long, tough week. You are more than ready to have some beers or a few of your favorite mixed drinks. However, on your way home, you accidently run through a stop sign and police pull you over. Before you know…
What does Leandra’s Law mean for Buffalo drivers charged with DWI?
If you are ever arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving in Buffalo with a child in the car, you need to know about Leandra’s Law. It’s New York’s version of laws across most of the United States that creates extra punishment for DWI when a minor was in the vehicle. Say you are driving…
James Auricchio was admitted to the practice of Law in 2001. He entered private practice in 2010 after earning distinction as a State and Federal Prosecutor.
Named to the list of Superlawyers, in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 distinction awarded to less than 5 percent of all attorneys in New York State.